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We Help You Find Balance

Unlock emotional freedom and embrace a healthy, balanced lifestyle at a virtual therapy clinic based in New York City. With our belief that changing thoughts, pivoting behaviors, and reimagining your relationship with your emotions leads to a transformed life, we provide exceptional mental healthcare and services for desirable client outcomes. We aim to get you critically thinking through challenging emotions, to create change that promotes shifting perspectives, and to increase your external gratitude and internal self-compassion. Founded by Nina Lauren in 2020, our boutique-style therapy practice is dedicated to helping individuals overcome their emotional, mental, and relational obstacles — and to get them thriving.

Meet Our Team Of Qualified Therapists

Our dedicated therapists are here to guide you along the pathway to achieving your mental health goals while ensuring your therapy program meets your desired outcomes.

Cultivating an Environment for Success

Qualified therapists at Nina Lauren Psychotherapy offer the guidance and support you need to overcome mental health challenges and create a well-rounded, healthier, and more balanced life. We’ll collaborate with you to develop your personalized mental health roadmap for success. By addressing various areas such as emotional well-being, self-care, relationships, and personal growth, you’ll gain the tools and insights to thrive and to reap the benefits of investing in yourself in every facet of life.

Benefit 1:
Personalized Solutions

We’ll design your personalized integrative therapy program to address your unique needs and goals. We’ll do this by drawing from a variety of therapeutic approaches. Through our tailored approach, we’ll provide you with individualized treatment solutions that support your well-being and personal growth.

Benefit 2:
Thought-Behavior Connection

Through exploration of the thought-behavior connection, you’ll examine the intricate relationship between your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By understanding how your thoughts influence your emotional experiences and actions, you’ll work on making positive changes that have a lasting impact.

Benefit 3:
Emotional Mastery

Focusing on emotional mastery involves developing your ability to regulate emotions and nurture healthy interpersonal connections. By honing your emotional regulation and communication skills, you can gain greater control over your responses, manage stress more effectively, and foster more fulfilling relationships.

Benefit 4:
Mindful Acceptance

With an emphasis on acceptance and mindfulness, you’ll cultivate the capacity to embrace difficult emotions with self-awareness and compassion. By acknowledging and accepting these emotions, you can deepen your understanding, promote inner growth, and facilitate a greater sense of peace.